Open peer review
another step towards open science by scientific journals
Open peer review, Open science, Scientific journal, Transpose, MDPI, British Medical Journal, BioMed Central, PeerJ, Scielo, Encontros Bibli, Open review platformsAbstract
Open peer review is an element of the open science ecosystem which, despite its growing acceptance, still faces resistance compared to the traditional double-blind review model. Objective: to present the most consolidated open peer review models, their benefits and limitations, as well as the perceptions of authors, reviewers and editors. Methodology: describes case studies of journals or platforms that have implemented this model, such as BioMed Central, British Medical Journal, and two Brazilian cases such as SciELO and Encontros Bibli. Results: Open peer review promotes greater transparency and recognition of reviewers, but also has disadvantages, such as fear of retaliation and possible bias. In addition, the study shows that adoption is still limited, with few journals fully adopting the model. Conclusion: Gradual implementation is recommended, considering flexibility in practices and the use of appropriate platforms to support the management of the process.
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