Brief considerations on ethics for artificial intelligence neurotechnologies




Neurotechnology, Artificial intelligence, Ethics, Governance, Brain-computer interface


Introduction: implants and technological devices are being used to decode neural activity to move a prosthetic arm, control an avatar, and turn thoughts into text through an AI-based decoder. These situations are designed by Brain-computer Interface (BCI), one of the main AI-based neurotechnologies used to understand the brain and to improve people's welfare. In 2023, UNESCO already recognized its benefits but also revealed the potential ethical issues and problems, particularly with its use of non-invasive interventions. Objective:  so, this essay aims to answer the following research question: which Ethical standards can be designed and used to balance the person’s rights with technological development to prevent vulnerability situations? Method: the methods used in this work is the bibliographic research plus the hermeneutic interpretation. Results: it proposes Ethical standards for protecting the rights of the vulnerable to ensure that these rights are respected. Conclusions: there is no need for the creation of a new neurorights. Privacy and intimacy can and will deal with all the issues of neurotechnologies. However, it is necessary to improve the protection of the owner's rights through strong ethical and governance standards.


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Biografia do Autor

Sthéfano Divino, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Ph.D and Master in Private Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Full professor of Private Law at Federal University of Lavras. Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Private Law, Innovation and Technology (NEDIT/UFLA).


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Como Citar

Divino, S. (2024). Brief considerations on ethics for artificial intelligence neurotechnologies. Ciência Da Informação Express, 5, 1–16.



